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01. Common Questions
What is the main use of HelloScribe?
HelloScribe is used by PR, Marketing, and Advertising Professionals to write copy and generate ideas at scale. It helps you easily find the right words to produce advertising copy, blog posts, social media posts, email campaigns, or any other type of content that needs to be well-written and persuasive. It is also be used to generate ideas for new products, publicity, marketing, events, general problem solving, and other types of ideas needed to power work forward.
What is the single best way to use HelloScribe?
The single best way to use HelloScribe is to describe the content that you want our A.I. Creative Assistant to produce. HelloScribe can automatically generate ideas based on your topic, target audience, competitor analysis, and in any tone or specific style of writing.
What are the main benefits of using HelloScribe?
There are many benefits to using HelloScribe as Creative Assistant. Some of these include:
1) HelloScribe is able to generate a high volume of ideas quickly and efficiently. This makes it an ideal tool for PR, marketing, and advertising professionals who are looking for fast and easy solutions to writing copy and generating ideas at scale.
2) HelloScribe is able to identify patterns in your data and suggest ideas that are relevant to your company or industry. This means that you can effectively target your marketing campaigns by focusing on specific areas of your business or targeting specific types of customers.
3) HelloScribe is able to create original content quickly which means you can avoid spending hours searching for content ideas or trying to come up with new content on your own.
4) Finally, HelloScribe is incredibly affordable compared to other similar A.I. services on the market today. This makes it a great option if you're looking for an affordable solution with quality results.
What kind of creative tasks does helloscribe excel at?
HelloScribe excels at writing and generating ideas for any purpose.
02. Tools
What distinguishes HelloScribe from other A.I. Creative Assistants?
Unlike other A.I. Creative Assistants, which are limited to a particular task like writing copy OR generating ideas, HelloScribe does both. As a result, you can use it to help with a wider variety of tasks. Another unique feature of HelloScribe is that it has the ability to learn. This means that as HelloScribe interacts with different types of content and data, it will start to develop its own understanding of how best to use these resources to help achieve the desired outcome.
This makes it extremely valuable not just for experienced professionals, but also for beginners who are looking for help with specific tasks.
What are HelloScribe's different tools?
HelloScribe has a regularly updated and improved list of industry-specific A.I tools across 10 categories. The current ones are as follows:
Article: (First Draft) - Editorial - Lifestyle - Real Estate - Technology - Business - Commentary - Fashion - Essay - Book Review - Letter to the Editor
Brainstorm: - Blog Post Topics - Brainstorm Unlimited - Campaign Ideas - Event Ideas - Innovation Accelerator - Podcast Ideas - Publicity Ideas - Problem-Solving - Promotional Ideas - Viral Video Ideas - Video Treatment
Headlines: - Article Headline - General Headline - Book Title - Product Name - Buzzword
- Advertising Idea - Amazon Ad - Billboard Ad - Facebook Ad - Google Ad - Copywriting Freestyle - Headline + Slogan - Magazine Ad - Print Ad Concept - Radio Ad - Tagline - TV Ad - AIDA - PAS - FAB - BAB Messaging:
- Brand Essence - Brand Story - Crisis Response - Key Messages - Media Statement - Mission Statement - Positioning Statement - Press Release - Public Apology - Story Angle - Talking Points - Value Proposition - Vision Statement
Media - Media Pitch
Questions - Interview Questions - Market Research Questions
HelloScribe is reliable and accurate for generating ideas and copy at scale. But just like any other software, it is important to use it correctly in order to get the most out of it.
Specific tools can be used in different ways to produce different results, so it is always important to experiment with different approaches until you find what works best for you.
Our tools are exceptionally good at generating new information. To ensure that statistics and historical facts are accurate, use the built-in research assistant which gives you access to over 200 million peer-reviewed research studies, and the top verified news stories of the day.
How does HelloScribe know what to create?
HelloScribe is able to identify and understand the first principles of language and the ways in which words work together to form coherent ideas. HelloScribe can understand the nuances of your sentences and how they relate to your topic so that the output isn't generic or cliché.
03. Data
How does HelloScribe generate content?
It uses a technique called deep learning that helps it understand complex ambiguous or multi-layered messages, and then uses a process called natural language processing (NLP) to generate text based on the context of the user's input.
What data sources do HelloScribe use to create its A.I content?
HelloScribe uses natural language processing (NLP) to identify keywords, phrases, and concepts in a given text. This data is then used to generate hypotheses about what you want to say. It does not pull information from a database, but generates predictions based on verified internet data,
Do you have an API?
HelloScribe does not have an API.
How does HelloScribe handle user data?
HelloScribe does not handle user data. It relies on encrypted APIs that allow it to pull and push data to and from different sources. This includes payment data, and all data generated by our A.I The only data that HelloScribe retains is customer contact data which it uses for marketing and customer support purposes. Please refer to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for more details
Yes, you can cancel your account plan at any time. Simply go to HelloScribe's website and click on the "Account" link in the top menu bar. There, you will be able to see all of your account information, including cancellation instructions.
What kind of support do you provide?
We offer 24/7 support through our chatbot and email support. Our goal is to provide the best possible customer service experience so that you can focus on your business goals.
Do you offer any discounts?
We offer a 7-day free trial so you can test out all of our features and see how we can help improve your workflows. If you decide to subscribe after that, we offer a monthly subscription that starts at just $39/month on an annual plan. From time to time we offer special discounts.